Monday, October 22, 2012

my growing babies.

Today was a day that I've been dreading for a while.  Both boys had checkups with shots and I had to do this solo. :/  Last night I was so anxious, but I had a sweet husband to cuddle up to and ease my fears.

Getting ready this morning went very smoothly.  Both boys were dressed, changed, and fed with time to spare.  It was time to put my big girl panties on :)

I carried Kiam in his carseat and my big boy Sam walked holding my hand to the car.  I was beyond proud of him.  He didn't even try to go play, he just walked like a big boy!  I put both boys in the car and got to the doctors office before the rain.  Thank the Lord!  Sam continued to walk like the big boy he is all the way up to the pediatrician on the 2nd floor.  They were great in the waiting room, but then they called us back.

Sam HATES the doctors office and is petrified of the nurses and doctors.  He pretty much screamed the entire time and the only way he would settle was by holding him.  Luckily, Kiam was a trooper and was happy as could be...until the shots at least.  They both got stuck several times, but don't worry, I brought suckers!  When all was done, I gave them both some Tylenol, packed them up, and walked down to the 1st floor again.  And guess what?  It was raining :)  I managed to get both boys in the car (a little wet) and only hit the truck beside me once with my car door.  Good thing he was in his truck to watch ;) 

When we finally made it home, Sam walked again holding my hand in the rain...  I didn't notice he had undone his velcro straps and he lost his shoe, which made us more wet, but who doesn't love to play in the rain... Kiam that's who!  Sam laughed the whole time.  Such a sweet boy!  Now we're all home, it's finally done, and the boys are napping peacefully! 

26 lbs 10 oz
31.5 inches

15 lbs 10 oz
23.8 inches

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