2012? Sheesh! I warned you that I'm a horrible blogger! Right now I'm laying in the dark beside a bassinet putting a pacifier in my 3 month old babys mouth everytime he decides it's a good idea to spit it out... Even though he can't fall asleep without it. This is about the only time a day I get to myself. Occasionally the bathroom, but usually my two year old is trying to rip me up the moment I sit on the toilet. He's incredibly impatient and has to have something the instant he wants it. So that's two of the 3 monsters I have.
Ezra, the newest addition to the Peterson clan, is 3 months old and doesn't do much besides eat, poop, sleep, and cry. Mostly in the order, although sometimes he'll surprise you ;)
Kiam or "Ki" as we call him, mostly because everyone mispronounces his name so we try help them out by calling him Ki. It doesn't, in case you were wondering. Least they don't call him a "she."
*side note* Ezra is constantly called a girl. Not usually for his appearance (although it's happened, while wearing blue and green, people are dumb), but because they girst hear his name and they automatically think girl. Has no one on the west coast read the Bible? Or geeze seen Pretty Little Liars?
Kiam is our sweet, sweet dare devil. He absolutely loves to cuddle, kiss, and hug you and loves to climb like a crazy man. Speaking of, he is currently ruinibg every night of sleep I have due to toddler bed sleep training. While Caleb was in the field, he proved that the walls of a crib won't confine him and he needs to be free. We spend our nights putting him back in bed 49 times because he thinks it's time to get up and play. He eventually stops doing that right?
And then there's Sam or "Sam I am" or "Samul". He's our social butterfly. Doesn't meet a stranger and everyone is his "friend." Too bad he doesn't feel that way about Ki... Maybe he wouldn't feel the need to deck him as he walked by. Seriously. Boys are mean. That's play, Ki usually Hulks out and chases him down with rage ripping through his body until he bites Sam. Don't with he's only broken skin once ;). I promise he's sweet as can be to everyone else. Most of the time. He can be a little diva though. He gets it honestly. Calebs quite the Mariah Carey.
Our house is very full, fun, and chaotic. Even though most days I can't handle the crazy, I stull couldnt imagine being "done." I still want more kids. I want another boy first. 4 boys would be ideal. And then maybe we could finally add a girl or two... You know, in case my vote counts :) Family is everything to me. If I could have anything for my children, I would want them to have a closeness with their extended family. I pray for Sunday dinners where everyone gets together each week. I pray for get togethers to happen each week instead of every few months. Hopefully when Caleb leaves the Marine Corps we'll be able to settle down in Tennessee to start a life near our family. Ok enough rambling. I need to go pump so I can go to bed :)
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