Saturday, February 26, 2011

forever waiting.

Is it just me, or is your whole life devoted to waiting?  Waiting to hear if you got the job, waiting to see that special someone, or waiting for the clock to strike 5 so you can go home.  Today I am 19 weeks pregnant and I have been waiting to find out what this 10 inch baby in my stomach is.  Boy? Girl? Boy? Girl? Boy? Girl?  It's driving me nuts!  As most of you know, I'm not a very patient person.  Someone always has to say "well, patience is a virtue."  Blah. Blah. Blah.  I get it and trying to work on it, but failing miserably.  I just need extra help from the Man Upstairs (my Jesus, in case you weren't sure). 

My two sisters-in-law are pregnant too.  Krista is due two weeks before me and Aubrey is due one month after me.  Krista just found out she's having a boy (second one) and my fate is sealed.  The Peterson boys are incapable of producing females.  There are not any women in this family except the ones that married in!  What did I sign up for?  Don't get me wrong, I would love to have a boy or two, but I would LOVE to have a girl or twelve.  :)  My waiting misery is gone in exactly 9 days and I will confirm that I too am carrying ANOTHER Peterson boy.

All of this may sound like complaining to some, but I assure you it's not.  Just stating the facts.  I mean, I'll be thrilled with whatever God chooses to give me.  I feel blessed more than you can imagine that he gave me a baby at all, regardless of if I get 10 boys (but just to be clear, I would LOVE a girl).  This whole pregnancy thing is just a whole lot different than I thought it would be.  It's a big game of waiting... waiting to see if you're actually pregnant, waiting to find out the sex, and waiting for that baby to make it's big debut.  And why is it that when people gush over babies and being pregnant, do they not mention the gas, headaches, dizziness, loss of balance, swollen feet, uncomfortableness, throwing up, heartburn, and countless hours of sleep you DON'T get at night????  But, I suppose that's a whole other thing I shouldn't get into right now.  Whatever... I'll just sit here waiting....waiting for next Monday to come.  I promise you, that if this baby decides to be shy and not show us his/her gender, I will have to be drug out of that doctors office!


  1. HAHA This was not in the least bit boring!! I loved it. All the negatives you forget about with time, no worries!!

    Next Monday is not that far...Ummmm Baby better show the goods.

  2. Ummm, I believe I have told you before all the "awful" truths of pregnancy. It's wonderful and sometimes miserable all at the same time. But hey! at least we get to go through all the ups and downs together. :)
    And COOL YOUR JETS! It'll be here before you know it! Don't rush this baby! Enjoy every stage and enjoy the last few month of alone time with your hubby. Trust me! ;)

  3. You need to blog more :)

    Hhahahaha..maybe its a girl?!

    Oh, and my blog is going private if you still want to read mine send me your email on facebook :)
