Last week my baby boy turned 1 month old. WHAT?!?! I feel like I just brought him home from the hospital! And now I'm starting to sound like my parents. Great.
Being a mom is so much more different than I ever anticipated. This kid survives because of me. No pressure. I feel like I have no time to do anything I want to do, let alone need to do. Where the time came from to write this, I have no idea. My day consists of changing a diaper, feeding, burping, fighting with Sam to put him to sleep, repeat. I do this all day with an occasional bath, projectile poop/pee, and hysterical crying fit thrown in the mix. Needless to say, by the end of the day I am exhausted.
Samuel wakes up about 2-3 times a night. It isn't so bad anymore. I guess I've gotten used to it. Caleb sleeps right through it, which at times has made me want to throw things at him...which I'm sure I have :) I have finally stopped being so clingy and am okay with people holding and watching him. Caleb watched him for the first time today for maybe an hour. When I called to check up on him, I thought the poor boy was going to have a panic attack. Sam had gas and was hungry and Caleb couldn't figure out how to console him at first. When I got home, I found him bouncing him on the bed in the dark. All I could do was giggle a little. Caleb knew it was hard, but I don't think he fully realized what I go through until today. When I relieved him, all he said was "And I didn't even get to play Call of Duty!" Nice. I was proud of him for putting in the work and being so nurturing, because I must say that I was nervous, but now I know I have nothing to worry about. Caleb is an excellent father and an incredible husband. I am so thankful to have him in my life!
Caleb is still awaiting orders from the Marine Corps for his TBS report date in October. For now, we're just enjoying spending time with family and friends in Cleveland and are looking forward to the next chapter in our lives.